Saturday, December 17, 2011

So yeah, I was just casually watching the above link, which happens to be Glee's 1950's themed (if you excuse Finn's Luke Skywalker outfit) cover of Santa Claus Is Coming To Town...

And I was just, you know, swaying from side to side, Santa claus is cominggg to tooooooooooooowwwnnnn,

when Blaine pulled something out of his blazer (and no it wasn't the BeeGees Greatest Hits album-all 5 of them!-joking, joking, of course)
"Sorry, these suits are quite itchy. I hope they don't notice me scratching"

and I was like Santa Claus is comingggg to towwwwwnnn, ho ho NO!

Because it was in fact a harmonica in Blaine's breast pocket (is that the right term? does it sound weird?? Can someone please comment with the correct term?) which he then proceded to play.

The harmonica!!!

Slightly awkward -_- Looks like he's spitting out chewing gum or something.

I was thinking, "Isn't it enough that you can sing and dance?? Isn't that enough talent?? No? Carry on with the harmonica then."

To counter this, I will need to listen to JLS's new album. At least I'll have no worries about talent overload with them*

*Sorry, JLS fans, as usual.

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