Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama Vs. Romney: My View

Yeah, okay so as you probably predicted, the title has nothing to do with the contents of this blog post. I will not be giving my view on the whole Obama Vs. Romney thing, because "I have no opinion." That's just what I say to avoid offending any one with my opinion. (*equality for all* ahem that wasn't me who said that) 

Klaine approves tumblr_lmugaftq811qgp11i.gif photo 
Kurt and Blaine approve of that comment.

So anyway, what this blog post is actually about, is how differently people pronounce words, sometimes depending on where they are from. For example, since ages ago, it has come to my attention that Ben (in case you have no idea who this is, that's my brother Ben, who is famous on this blog, also, please go to his blog: 
pronounces our brother Daniel Gibbs' name as "Danielt",
(Like this: Dan-yoult) rather than "Daniel" which is how everyone else pronounces it. However, I did not tell Ben that he was pronouncing it differently, because I did not want him to think that I was saying that he should pronounce it in the normal way. (Example: "No, Benny, 'biased' is spelt B-I-A-S-E-D, not B-I-A-S-T") You see, Ben tends to spell words the way that he pronounces them, which you can understand, but, a lot of words are not spelt the way they are pronounced. The only exeption of this that comes to mind straight away, is Ben's name. It's just Ben. B-E-N. It's pronounced the way it is spelt. Ben, after I told him that he has been pronouncing Daniel like "Danielt", insisted that he DOESN'T pronounce Daniel this way, even though he does. I told him that maybe he just hadn't realised he had been saying it this way. And so, now, I have decided to pronounce Daniel Gibbs as "Danielt". Hopefully, other people will pick up on this pronounciation, and will also start saying "Danielt", until every one he knows will be saying his name as "Danielt".
(Fictional Example: *while talking to one of my friends on Facebook* "Do I have any siblings? Yeah, I have five brothers, Barry, Ben, James, Matthew and Danielt") and then we will wait and see how long it takes Daniel Gibbs himself, to realise that his name has gradually been changed over time. ("What's my family up to at the moment? Oh, well Danielt is listening to the Bee Gees" etc.)
SUCH FUN. If any of you readers get which TV show I am referencing, then you are what I call really cool.
Any way, here is an extract of a future Wikipedia page regarding the origins of the name "Danielt":

Danielt: (pronounced DAN-yoult)

The name 'Danielt', derived from 'Daniel', is an ancient English name, invented by Chelsey Stuart, who is famous for having the least amount of knowledge in any subject that has ever been invented. Stuart invented the name, when she noticed that her brother, famous cartoonist Ben "Benny" Stuart, had been pronouncing their brother Daniel Gibbs' name as "Danielt", rather than "Daniel". Miss Stuart (Chelsey, herself, has asked me to write her name as 'Miss Stuart', to give the impression that she is a respectable, professional person, rather than a 15 year old Glee fanatic who spends her time laughing at videos of celebrities doing 'Gangnam Style' and shouting "SAM SPARRO JUST TWEETED ME! HE. ACTUALLY. TWEETED. ME. HE KNOWS MY EXISTENCE!" when her favourite singer sends her a message on Twitter)  As I was saying, Miss Stuart, seeing the potential in this new spelling of "Daniel" then began to pronounce Gibbs' name as "Danielt", which, in turn, prompted other people to pronounce the name this way, too. Furthermore, this led other people to believe that Gibbs' name was actually supposed to be pronounced as "Danielt". Gibbs, himself, began to notice this, when a man turned up at his home with a delivery, saying "I have a delivery for a Danielt Gibbs. Are you Danielt?" Gibbs, who was confused by this, then replied: "No, you must have the wrong person, my name is Daniel."
The man then insisted: "But I have been told that there is a Danielt Gibbs living at this address."
And so, it had begun. At first, whenever someone said to him: "Oh, you're Danielt, aren't you?" Gibbs would correct them on their mistake, but after a while, he just decided to say "Yes, I am." to save the bother of correcting them, whenever someone would say: "But if your name is Daniel, why does your sister keep saying your name is Danielt?"
Soon, news spread about this genius new name, "Danielt", and so, by now, more than 2,000 babies have since been born with the name "Danielt".
Furthermore, 1,000 baby girls have been born with the female version of the name, "Daniellte", and "Daniellta".
Here is a quote, by Ben "Benny" Stuart, with regards to the origins of the name:

"I have told Chelsey time and time again, that I NEVER pronounced 'Daniel' as 'Danielt'. I mean, how are you even meant to pronounce it like that? Is it DANIELT? Or DANELT? I don't understand. Take my name off this wikipedia page, 'cause I never invented the name 'Danielt'. I JUST PRONOUNCE IT AS DANIEL. THAT'S HOW YO'URE MEANT TO PRONOUNCE IT."

Author of this Wikipedia page: Richard, Cliff.

Editor of this Wikipedia page: Osmond, Donny.
Reason for editing: Unreliable sources.

Note: The gifs used in these blog posts are not mine, unless other wise stated (but they won't be, 'cause I don't know how to make gifs) They belong to their respective owners.

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