Friday, September 17, 2010

Deeeeeaaarrrr Deeeiiiirrrddddrrreee

I get up in the morning. Then I hear loudly: (In disgusting voice) Uhhhh....Uhh, we, we have a request coming through for Dear Deidre. Uh yeah we'd like to stroke your head. Well frankly I find your facial feautures disgusting so if you don't mind shoving your facial features in the sand. Thank you. Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye. Hello. Kkkknnnoooccckk Kkkknnnoooccckkk
I think oh what a lovely thing to hear in the morning. This happened a few mornings in a row. The disgusting speech was coming from my brother Mr Barry. We get a lot of different requests coming through. I keep telling him that voice is disgusting but he just tells Ingrid that her 5 nostrils are disgusting. You see what goes on every day in my family? I have taught Barry to knit though. When you teach someone to knit, there seems to be a moment when you suddenly look at them, and you say "Your knitting!!" Because you realise that you have been succsesful in getting someone else to knit. If it was the other way around though, by looking at me you would be greeted by the expression of the picture on the post called "Ben". Click on it to see the full picture. Ooop Ooop, Eevee the rabbits come now. We like to grunt to each other.

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