Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Oh 'Ello

Well it's Christmas Eve.

Thats it. Not that I don't like it, of course I love Christmas I just don't know what else to say.

Yo bro you coming to meh hood tonight? We're taking the bread to the fridge if you know what I mean? The bear fridge.
Are you ready? Then I shall begin:

On the first day of Christmas my BFWIAB (best friend who is a boy) said to me: 1 boy at the door, waiting for Chelsey to speak and it got awquared and a rabbit under the artificial tree.
On the 2nd day of Christmas my BWIAB said to me, 1 boy at the door, waiting for Chelsey to speak and it got awquared, 2 half eaten packets of crisps and a rabbit under the artificial tree.
On the 3rd day of Christmas my BFWIAB  said to me: 1 boy at the door, waiting for Chelsey to speak and it got awquared, 2 half eaten packets of crisps, 3 I dont know the rest it's the 29th of December know. Oh well thats awquared, I was meant to put this blog up last Friday.

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