Saturday, April 16, 2011

Is There A A.K. Spud Me Here?? Can A A.K. Spud Me Please Report To The Dry Kitchen Area. Thank You.

A.K. Spud Me, you are needed in the Dry Kitchen area, please report to the checkout. Respect. Yes, this is a introduction to the security guard in a certain famous supermarket chain where my brother Daniel "I've Got A Bone To Pick With You-And It's Not About Your Wooden Acting Or Lip Syncing Gibbs works. Wow, no wonder the shop only calls him by his first and last name over the tannoy. "Daniel Gibbs you are needed at the checkout to insult a celebrity who has had botox/plastic surgery/has presented a TV show on ITV/ thinks they can not act very well/sing very well/present very well/ mimes to songs/is a one hit wonder/is not a fan of/has not sung with/ dislikes the BeeGees. I repeat Daniel Gibbs you are needed to the-" STOP! Don't repeat it tannoy lady, it will take you half an hour. "checkout. Thank you." Anyway, moving on, Daniel often sees Mr Spud Me at work. He even said that if I see A.K. Spud Me when I go shopping I can chat to him. I think he is hiding from me. I haven't seen him in the shop! well I hope I do soon. Some days stay goooooollllld forever! Oops, don't think I should be singing The Wanted song. Daniel might make a snide remark about boy bands. Oh, please go to , my brother The Bee Gee Superfan's website, for news, updates and polls on arcade and video games. Enjoy! *points are racking up* Yep, Daniel keeps track of how many points I gain, until I have enough to redeem for Bee Gee related merchandise. So points are usually earnt by giving honest compliments to the famous, wonderful, fantastical singers/entertainers/song writers/people/ band that is the Bee Gees, though I'm sure plugging Danny's website  will get me in his good books. Speaking of getting in peoples good books, Barry dosen't do any favours when he starts comparing celebs. Barry: Oh look it's Donny Osmondo, or should I say, Stefan Dennis. Mum: What!!! Erm, Stefan has a few more wrinkles than Donny, I don't see the likeness. Barry: Hehe, that one from Brotherhood Of Man looks like a Bee Gee. Daniel: *dosen't say anything* (which says everything) Me: Oh dear... Barry: The Bee Gees are like, in their 70's! Or 80's! Me: Don't say that!! They are much younger!! Retract that comment before Daniel hears! Daniel: *carries on typing on his iMac* No wonder Barry is into his minuses on his points. I've just realised, where have the people who make snide comments on my blog go to?? "oh oops, we were just making some calls, arranging piano tuning" Oh I see, carry on. "We already are." Hmm. "Uh, hello mate, just, uh calling for your, er half yearly piano fixing, what time can I come round?? Tuesday ok? Yeah? Oh, this is Dave's missus? Alright then love, we'll go round Tuesday in the morning to fix Dave's grand one. Alright, see ya." Contrast to my dads piano tuning calls. Dad: They are not taking my customers. It's ok, they won't. *Daniel watches TV show about boy band Blue performing for Eurovision* Daniel: Phh! They haven't been going for ten years. Huh! They sound the same as other bands. Hmmm, they need to put effort in their song more. Well, they are all set to come last! *Blue members run up to Robin Gibb and hug him* Daniel: Vote for Blue.

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