Friday, April 15, 2011

I Like Rainbows, Bunny Rabbits, Ducks, Flowers And Bouncing Smileys!

Yep, that's right. Now you may think I'm a girly girl by the title, but-well you would be right. I have to admit to liking pretty, pink, soft, fluffy and sparkly things. But I can join in with things the boys do! Well, my friend certainly can. Once she stood outside Barry Moltres Ninja's window with boys we know from school (including my old friend Jake who I'm going to see soon) and started singing The Boys Are Back In Town to him! I have to admit, it was quite good harmony though, if a bit random. Aahhh, my friend. She is lovely. I'm seeing her again soon, as I'm home schooled and she goes to school, so we went our separate ways but I hope we can see each other more often now!!! Great, that songs in my head now. Boys are back in town, boys are back in town, boys are back in tooowwwn! That's right, I can groove. In a hip way. Lets bring back old street talk!! Yeah, go 2004! Hmm, I do like these new words though. Now people say "dodge" instead of dodgy. Soooo, here is a list of objects I like:
Rainbows, to be spread over dreary buildings!! Make them colourful
Those bouncing smiley's you see hopping down the street.
Make my day with their bouncy enthusiasm and cheerful outlook. No, I'm not talking about Jack Dee.
Flowers and lots of them!!! They smell nice, look nice. Someone said I was like a garden weed once.
I said to them "Phh! Someone hasn't been pollinated today."
I also like:
 hearts, (lovely) ducks (quack quack) bunnies (so cute) lollipops (they are yummy!) pokemon (fantastic!)
butterflies (so delicate) Conservative party (quack quack) putting little gifts in pockets in pinafore dresses and riding on a unicorn with...Nah I won't tell you yet.   

Notice your face isn't on the list.
Oh! Who said that? Right! I'll be back in a few minutes! Don't read anything remotely interesting while I'm gone!
"Phh. Your blog is out of the question then" Who are these people that keep making snide comments in my blog?! Ok back in a bit. *goes upstairs* *lets out victory call* *goes back downstairs to computer* Ok that was random. Now it is time for a special mention! To...Hayley!! Hayley, if your reading this (thanks for being a reader) your a lovely girl!! Nice to talk to you. She is a big Eastenders fan, like me and is really cool. Well, before I finish this blog post, I just wanted to say, you've got something on your face. Just to let you know.  Ok, it is time for tea! Chicken tikka tonight...Remember that advert? You know, feel like chicken tonight! Actually I don't think we have chicken. Oh and the person I want to ride on a unicorn with is....Jake. Oh, now I've got something on my face. It's called blushing.

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