Thursday, April 14, 2011

Justin Bieber Shaking His Maracas...And Other Things

You know how it goes...*Chelsey goes to Youtube* Then: "I just need somebody to loooooveee, I don't need too much, just, just somebody to loveee-" Barry: Chelsey, are you watching Justin Bieber shaking his maracas? Chelsey: Nooo *closes Youtube* I was just uuhh checking to see if his hair is still full. You know, cos fans wouldn't like it if he didn't have a  full head of hair. Let me check...yep, hairs full! Barry: No, I caught you watching him shake his maracas!! Chelsey: Nooo.
I was just interested! I was just seeing what his music was like! I don't know where Barry got this "maracas" thing from. Of course there is no shame in being a Bieber fan! So now that I've got that out of the way, lets move on to other news. The Bee Gees have moved their fly tipping to Florida and even Switzerland and set up a Tip-The-Fly booth. Now, lets give you the gossip on people who my mum has also given birth to...
Bazza Banter:
His middle name is now "Moltres Ninja"
He once chewed on some wood
He gives our rabbit Eevee swimming lessons. In the air.
Vegeta (Dragon Ball and DBZ) doesn't feature on his Dragon Ball
t-shirt because there is not enough room to show his ego.

Being Ben:
His middle name is now "Look At Eevee's Tail! Hehe Look It's Moving"
He is on Twitter! Follow him @stuwieben Actually, he has been on Twitter
for a while, I just forgot to mention it.
He pronounces Karen as "Keiran"
He gets a bit uncomfortable when I gently scratch at his hand

Oh! And other news, Daniel is thinking about joining Twitter!!! It is so exciting!
He told me yesterday on Facebook. I was chatting to him on there even though
he was in the same room. What has technology done to us.
Uhh, I would subscribe to your personality, but I wouldn't be getting my money's worth. Oh! Who said that! Oh great, people took it seriously and are now scratching at their carpets and saying "Uuh, I would subscribe to your jokes, but I wouldnt be getting my moneys worth" You are clever clogs, arn't you, my readers. I'm not being sarcastic, you are clever clogs!! "I'm not short, I'm fun sized!" I read this quote online. I thought it was cool. "When your face is a trending topic on Twitter, you know it's going the same way as Myspace" Joke, joke. People still use Myspace! So soon I am gonna go round a couple of friends houses. Yay! Ok, Ben is gonna start talking now! Straw Ok then... Ok this is Ben, you know him, I have mentioned him a lot. What do you say to my invisible readers, Ben? They are not invisible. I mean, I don't have readers. Oh apart from that nice pen pal of Bazzas. You have lots of readers, think how many you've got on the internet. Use Google Analytics. Have you used that? No I haven't. I don't want to talk about it! No one has commented! Why don't they comment *hint hint* Can we change the subject? What do you wanna talk about? Straw. Nooeally. Dick Strawbridges Moustache. Nooeally. Nooeally. What's Nooeally? It's a typo. I meant to put Not really. Ok then. *yawns* Is that a metaphore for my blog? Oooohhh no. Just a coincidence. So what girl celeb do you like at the moment? In what way? Lots of ways, talent i.e singer, actress. Or looks. Or fashion sense. Oooh speculation. So which one then? I then, Jennifer Metcalfe. Ohhh!! Ooohh she's a type of cow. No I don't mean it like that! Calfe is in her name, you know, cow, calfe. Shes certainly not a cow. Oooh!
Ok thank you Ben for that enlightening interview for my blog. What do you say now? I'm just putting the coslaw in the fridge. That's nice. If Jennifer Metcalfe is reading this, what would you like to say? Hello. I am just holding a tortilla wrap. Ok then...
"Uhhh, hello, this is Andrew Stuart reporting for your, uuuh, 6 monthly piano tuning is do. Uh, yes? Hahahaha!
Uh, yes, thats right. So are you available for uh, Tuesday? Is Tuesday good for you...Uh, what time? I know you have to be up early for- 11 am, yes I should be able to do that. Just check my diary...Yes, yes thats a good time, I should be on my way to hornchurch at around 10 so I can, uuh, stop by on the way. Hahahaha!
So, how are you Mrs B.L.T. ? Your, your well are you? Oh, oh well thats good then, yeah. Well I will see you then! Uh yes, uh take care, bye!! Yeah, buh bye! That was my dad. He used to be part of Stuart & Hoggins. Now he is part of Jolly Services & Co. Naturally.

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