Friday, April 8, 2011

The Beegees Fly-Tipping In Vancouver? Whatever Next!

I haven't updated or a while, I'm sure you've noticed. Thats because I have been doing stuff! Remember that thing, doing stuff, where you engage in actual activities? No? Ok then. Anyway, my little nostrils, I'm sure you've heard about the Beegee's fly tipping. I know! Rascals. It was Robin Gibb who started it, he just wanted the Fly's to have more money. So what have you been up to? Stuff? Just chillin' with yo home dogs by the fridge? The bare fridge? That's nice. No I am not making fun of your accents. Anyways so I have been doing lots of stuff, so let  me list them for you.....Going to Mason's house: Yep I go round my friends house. Painting in the garden with the Bazza and the Ben: It was such a lot of fun!! We found slugs that look like Ben and we found the Labour MP's as bugs!! Did you know Ed Milliband was a earwig? Actually, don't answer that. Getting 100 followers on Twitter: Yep, thats right! But then 3 people unfollowed me...Mind you, I unfollow people if they post rude things and so on. Reaching my 500th frother: This was so exciting!! I have only been doing frothers for a few months and this is a real achevment!! And I have been doing lots of other stuff and I suggest you do to! Try it, instead of staring at my blog in the hope that I might post a blog. So get out there and do something fun!! Or relax with a book! What you wanna do. You know, I am easily amused. Very easily. You know that thing you can do with your mouth (not frother) and it goes "bbbbbbb"?You know what I mean? Well I did that and it felt like I was almost flying. It amused me, I was like "bbbbbbb. Hahaha I almost took off!" LOL And last night, whilst playing Pokemon trading card game with the Ben and the Bazza, I decided to amuse us with some jokes. I found some in The Sun newspaper, such as "I went to college dressed as 3 different people, on the third time, they gave me the third degree" and "Then I went to Tesco and saw a man and a woman wrapped up in a barcode. I said are you a item?" Hahaha. Then I reeled off jokes I had heard such as "A seal walked into a club" and "A mushroom goes to a bar and the barman says you can't come in here and the mushroom says why not I'm a fun guy" What? I couldn't think of anything else! I had to make up my own joke at around 10:00pm: "Mr McDoodle says to Ewan McGregor so do you come here often?" LOL do you get the joke?? I think its quite funny!! And it's quite clever. So you see, this is the time to do simple things, that  you enjoy, things  that amuse you, just spend some time with family, friends and frothers. I know I am. Have fun!
12:00 midnight: Me: haha he says "do you come here often?" hehe. Ben: I still don't get the joke.

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