Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Want To Break Free! I Want To Break Freeeee! And Other Songs

I haven't blogged for a while. Oops. Well I'm sure you've noticed! I'm sure while I haven't been blogging you have been living your life!!! Well that's good for you. Barry on the other hand has been like a mushroom awaiting to be peeled while there has been no blog updates. Ok well I am about to watch Glee. I know what your thinking "*snigger* She is way too immature to watch that!" And you would be right. I am about as mature as MY FROTHER. But I can watch Glee. Anyway how have you been? What's up? You finished your list yet for the "100 Reasons Why We Should Snigger At Chelsey In Public"? Oh I see there are too many reasons to list. Well I have been fine thank you. Very fiiinneee. Why does no one ask how my frother is? How do you think he feels? He dosen't just sit there, with his upturned lips staring at you like something out of those music videos by those singers you have only just discovered that happen to make "unique peices" That is what they would call they're weird videos. Oh it's the next day now. That was strange. OK then... I haven't rode my scooter for a while. I rode it once, on the way to the library. I was like "I want to ride my scooooter, I want to ride my scoot. I want to ride my scoooterr I want to ride my scoot. SCOOOOTER! SCOOOOTER!" and then I fell down, bumped into some people, I heard some sniggering, and I just got back into the car and thought "I am not good at riding my scooter" At laaasssttt my love has come lonely days are, over and LIFE IS LIKE A dreeam. And then A.K.Spud Me who works in Morrisons with my brother comes on and starts rapping to another song. I am, of course, talking about the T-Mobile Airport advert. great ad. Ahhh, A.K.Spud Me. Interesting fellow. Once he built a tunnel from Morrison's to our window and he came in through our window into our bathroom and he was shaving and he got shaving foam on my toothbrush and I was like "eeewww" and it was awquard because I was in the bathroom and he was in the bathroom. And he happened to see me when I was in the middle of my nostrils enlarging as I was doing my victory call. I did that because when I brushed my teeth the toothpaste didn't spill! Result! And that, my friend, is one of life's little wins.

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