Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Furry Foreign Secretary And the Lonely Mustard Yellow

Irene Fisher has a new child. At the age of 69. Why not? I'll tell you why not, she's more interested in rabbits than humans that's why not! She dosen't have a partner. And she is banned from keeping bunnies as pets. Wonder why... So anyway, I do not know the gender or name of the child yet, let alone how she became pregnant. Or maybe she adopted? Of course, it is possible to have a child of that age, perhaps with IVF but she is not with anyone. She is divorced and this blog is getting too serious!! WHAT IS HAPPENING! But seriousy, I will support Irene in what she does. Apart from with the rabbits. That's just weird. I'm writing a storyyyyyy based on Yes, Prime Ministerrrrr but with animalsssssss and with Eeveeeeee as a furry foreign secretaryyyyyy, oh yeah, I want it to be epic!
Reader: "Yyyy" are you adding all those extra letters? lol Me: Cos you are a frother.
I'm so polite to my readers.
My swaggers in check! swagger jagger, swagger jagger, you should get some of your own. Word.

Want a word? Here's one: Moist.  See, that sent shivers down your spine. Admit it.
I have been doing serious crafting. Lettuce have a look at what this here person has made so far:
Bag, made out of a jean pocket, with the word "Babe" written in glitter, with a bead handle
Ring, with the band made out of plaited yarn, and gems on top of a heart. Which comes with a
bracelet, the chain is crochet, with a yellow flower and garden insect detail
Knitted cake, with pink "icing" and flower detail
Necklace, which is 3 crochet chains plaited together with pom pom detail
Gadget case, which is knitted in purple and lilac, secured with a button
BABUSHKA felt doll, with gems and embroidery

joke and why has the caps lock come out -_-

Mum bought a painting by numbers kit. Where you get several cute little paint pots to make a picture of two dogs and a cat. For some reason one of the yellow shades keeps deciding it does not want to be confined to numbers and borders and regularly comes out the packaging. We just can't help feeling sorry for it, alone, from it's colourful friends, while Ol' Yellow seems destined to be accidently poured into a English Mustard bottle. So we pick it up, put it next to it's arty mates, back inside the packaging. Where it's left to dream about the outside world and at least, no longer the lonely mustard yellow sitting alone, instead, left to flirt with the spritly pink next to him.

YoUr ThOuGhT oF tHe DaY:
Potatoes are probably the most chilled out food. They just sit there, in the mud, not bothered about having a luxury growing area (unlike those big lettuce leafs you stuff food in, with there "packaging" and "diet frendly wrap foods" and their "beautifully curled leafyness", I mean they just get everything handed to them on a plate, don't they?) or having champagne sprayed on them instead of water (yes, spinach, I am talking about YOU) because potatoes are relaxed, easy to please garden dwellers who don't care whether you mash them, boil them, fry them, turn them into wedges, microwave them or whatever.
Cos their swagger's in check.