Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Breaking Free (Like A Cheesestick)

Freddie Murcury keeps singing the same line over and over again in my head as he vaccums the floor in a moustache and dress. I mean you'd think he, of all people, would know the rest of the lyrics, but appaently not. Well it gets me to go to sleep though. I have just found out Irene Fisher is also a character in Home And Away. I've been taken for a ride O_o and I have come to a fork in the road O_o Littering these days O_o (maybe I should stare into the mirror and see if I can make that face for real) reader: phh! I don't think there'll be much to look at when you stare into the mirror, love! Me: thanks for that mate. So anyway, what  I was saying is that I did recognise the name Irene Fisher but could not put my finger on where I knew the name from (I ended up poking Eevee by accident) so now I know where I heard the name from, I feel like I've been taken for a ride. Speaking of rides, I am planning family trips for my spring chicken siblings and mosutache-less parents. Woohoo! We are going to-oh wait, it's a suprise trip ;) so shhhhhh don't tell mum where we are going! Reader: Don't worry, our lips are zipped tight! Me: If only. NOW IM FEELING SO FLY, LIKE A CHEESE STICK. (lyric change courtesey of a girl from so she knows I'm not copying her) Word. Want a word? heres one: Jeremy Vine, Porcupine (3 words actually-theres a song somewhere) That was from Ben Jamming. It's an affectionate rhyme, of course.

Gotta go.
Swish later.

Yeah I've been having hair advert style dreams. Swishhh Minty Freshhh TM
So now my real life hair is as silky and wavy like in my dream.

Your thought for the day: Ben: (in the garden) look,that bee pollinating that flower looks like it's-
Me: I know exactly what you mean...