Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Humour Allowence Is Running Out O_o And Other Confessions

Good mid afternoon. I haven't been keeping up with the dates. Or the time. Lets check: It's actually 12:00pm. And it's the 18th of July 1999. Wait. That's not right. It's the 19th isn't it? So I have been so busy. Lets have a look at what I have been doing since my absence from blogging. (I'm sure YOU noticed), to all the people who are interested: (I guess that will be Me, Myself and I then...hey I've got three readers!!!)
I have been organising a charity cupcake sale at my friends school
Yeah so my mum rang up the school and she was like "my weird and silky smooth* child would like to hold a cupcake sale at your school" and they were like: "what IS a cupcake?!" and I said down the phone "you know that thing?? that you eat??" mum: "no my child does not go to your school but her friends do" awquared silence "mum on hold" (longer than when she was giving birth to me might I add) *chelseys hopes going up* woman at the school: "no sorry, you can not do the what you call- "cupcake" stall as we already have caterers * chelseys hopes deflating* Mum: (ever grateful) "well thank you anyway and thanks for finding out for us"
Me: I think it was the "silky smooth" mention that got us a "no". Health and safety.


Oh yesh, I shall still be doing the cupcake stall. Just not on the school turf. Yep, I'm not going to let a small thing like my skin texture being rejected stop me. Because Chelsey-Ann is unstoppableee. You can't stop such a weird, silky, minty fresshhh girl like me.
BABUSHKA BABUSHKA. Yes I am making a BABUSHKA doll. I'ts looking cute! I am so into traditional crafts. I will be selling my little Babushka friend at my cupcake stall (I am also selling handmade items with my old school mate Chelsy. Yep, we are becoming a double act ;) )
Also, I now have two magazines. One for the boyyss and one for the galss.
Here is a sum up of the music I have been listening to: It was those 3 Words to make me Want To Break Free from your Swagger Jagger because it's All About Tonight.
Type it in, type it in ;)

I like the base. I like the base. I like the buttery biscuit base. BUT IT NEEDS MORE OOMPHH. Masterchef Synesthesia: Epic.

I have a craft business with mum too. Yep, order handmade products such as accesories.
Lets give a shout out too.....Daniel Gibbs. Ever faithful to the Bee Gees fly tipping adventures. Oh yeah, an update on that. They have finished their fly tipping. I know, it lasted quite a while didn't it?
Oblivious to what I'm talking about? Check out my previous bloggg posts.


You want a word? Here's one: Linguini.

I'm doing a little advertising for this here blog: Ring up the company the Job Center kindly provided for people who are looking to hand out leaflets, let it go to voice mail, then leave them a message asking to visit this here website. Clever eh? Yep, you've corrected me. Chelsey-Ann and clever can not be put in the same sentence.

Not even in the same blog post. Oops.
Anyhoo, my brother went to see the last Harry Potter film. Seems to me like it was epic. EPIC.

Irene Fisher. Apparently she is a relation. To a fox, anyway. No, I'm not saying she looks like a fox, of course. You may be confused. Here's the story. You don't care? do I hear you say? HERE IS THE STORY: (caps lock-gets peoples attention) Barry told me about Irene. I didn't know who she was but Barry said she is a relation of us. Apparently she thinks cucumber is my favourite vegetable so when she comes round for a cuppa she brings me a cucumber. Or purees it and pops it in a bag.......Yeah. Also, she-
Not sure how to go about telling you her hobby. She-
Breeds with rabbits. Or tries to.
There I said it.
I wondered why Barry hadn't told her about Eevee. (our pet rabbit, remember?) She only knew about our late family pet, Emma the rabbit.
......  Apparently Irene is on Facebook. So I might have a look for her.
So yeah. I asked dad and Benjamin Bunny if they knew about Irene but they seem oblivious. Then I thought Barry said "Eileen Emps" so I asked dad if she was one of his customers (piano tuner daddyyy) but he said he does not remember tuning an "Eileen Emps" piano. It turned out Barry said "Irene" not Eileen" and Emps is her middle name.
Where does the fox come into this story? Well Bazza saw a fox today (it looked like it hadn't eaten-God bless Foxy) and Barry Bee suggested the fox was Irene. At first I thought "well that makes the rabbit breeding thing make a bit more sense...sort of" but then Barry said no, Irene is probably a person, not a fox. But I will remember that Fox, (who I have named Foxy) as it shows how a building can destroy one animals home.
And find the moral in the blog post....

I have also made even more friends :) love my foxy friends!!!
Oh and been organising a family trip too.
Oh and the second stage of Operation: BFF has begun. (I so want her to be my best friend again ;) )
Will the plan work? Well, like I said, Chelsey-Ann is unstopableeeee (and minty fresshh $)

Well I will do another blog post soon. ;) In fact, I shall spam my website with blog posts. Woohoo!!! Well, "woohoo" for Me, Myself and I anyway...I will try my best to keep my three readers.


*in American accent* I just came here to collect my WALLET Officer: I have no idea what you are talking about.
Don't know what I'm talking about? Type in: WORLDS DUMMEST POLICE OFFICER into Youtube.
And I leave you with this: "Mr Mcdoodle walks into a bar and he says to Ewan McGregor "do you come here often" lol I laughed so much at this joke I made up (laughing at my own joke-is that ok??)

And if you don't get the joke (I told it like 3 months ago and Barry and Ben STILL don't get it, it must not be a very good joke :O) I will leave you with this: In the morning I found honey in my belly button. (just joking-and now the whole world is put off honey-ok well just Me, Myself and I...)

$ It helps.
*silky smooth skin due to Chelsey's new found enthusiasm for baby lotion.