Saturday, July 23, 2011

I Love You Like A Love Song Baby (And I Keep Hitting Repeat Until Youtube Crashes)

Well, I owneeddd it. Remember I blogged about making a BABUSHKA BABUSHKA IREEEEEENEE MOOOOOOOOOO NAMMONKA NAMMONKA* felt doll, among other things, to sell at my friends school? And I was turned down for selling them at the school because of my newly slippery skin? You don't remember a thing, do you. You didn't even read those blog posts -_- did you? Awkward..................


Well anyway, I went to sell them. I did not sell any of them (cue laughter from readers)[we are going to sell them at at a church instead]) but I did give a cake we made to Toni :) You know that girl??? When I said the "girl I soo want to be my best friend again" I was talking about her. And now she has seen me again, in all my silky (both skin AND hair [thanks Shwarskopf Gliss or however you spell it])
and refined glory, (cue snigger from readers and a "you dont have any glory") hopefully the plan will work ;)
It was a rush this morning, after finding out the school breaks up at 12:00pm (last day of term) today, we (Moi, BBC Ben and Mummy Dearest) made 2 batches of cakes to sell. We ate them instead. Apart from Toni's, of course, because that would be rude.

Well you don't just walk up to someone and say "would you like a cake" and they are like "ooh, they look nice" then you say "well we don't wanna give you that" but they go to eat it anyway then you say "I've just decided, you are lactose intolerent. For the benefit of your well being, I shall eat this for you, no need to thank me."

How do you measure dodginess?

Use the Chelsey Scale
1: natural dodginess 2 3 4 5: gone really weird 6 7 8 9 10: You have just evolved

My prehistoric readers are being a bit quiet today :O I gave them cues, I expected them to laugh at me but nothing happened. On the dodgy Scale: 8 (for being unusually quiet)

They call me Chels. They call me Annie, They call me him, they call me Chelsey, thats not my name. Thats not my name. They call me Rainbow, They call me Seyann, thats not my name. Thats not my name. Thats not my name.
They call me everything but they never call me Chelsey-Ann!

Joke joke, you can call me what you want (and some of those are my names)
Reader: ok we shall call you immature ;)
Yess!! It worked! The readers have spoken. And they have evolved into Old Fashioned.
Me: where have you been for most of this blogpost? where were your snarky comments? Reader: Oh, Marshmellow Barry Gibb and Robin Redford Gibb threw a "End of our fly tipping Adventures" party, so, being the people responsible for their fly tipping updates, we felt we had to come.
Me: I think you'll find it was me who did the updates -_-
Reader: Yeah, but you wern't available to come to the party
Me: Yes I was
Reader: Yeah, but I told them you wern't available
Me: thanks, for that, you just saved me from a glitzy showbiz party
Reader: Here to help.

I like that word, glitzy. Sounds sparkly and glamorous. Reminds me of turnips.

Did you know the Ting Tings are gonna have a new album out? It will probably be called "Turns Out We Actually Did Start Something."

Gordon brown smoothing American Mustard over peoples bald heads to get more votes during the general election last year.
At times like that, it really makes you wonder what is happening to politics.

Gordon: Roll up, roll up! Baldies come over here and "hit the sauce" haha! And if you are not bald, you will be soon! Vote Labour!
*people do roly polies, rolling over to the former PM*

Dara O' Brain: I've come for the sauce procedure. I will only vote for you, if the mustard makes my hair grow. @ #
Gordon: I promise.

Personally, I think Dara looks fine as he is and for your information, Dara did vote for Gordon that day. @


Keep rolling, rolling, keep rolling, rolling. That's what Ben's friend does when he goes to the street. That is the best swagger there is!

Fluffy Thought Of The Day:

I've always wondered what it feels like to think. I've just never tried it.

Mind boggling.

Oh and by the way, I Started Nothing.$

* This is an ancient trible chant, it has it's own "Nammonka" dance, to be performed at the first sight of sunlight, each Sunday, in the rural caves of Thailand, where monks dwell.
(it actually came from a pronounciation mistake by Bazza Dearest, while talking about my friend Nammon, who lives in Thailand. That is your history lesson for the day.)

$ Seriously, I didn't even start this blog, it was Irene typing it up for me. Oh no, she has noticed Eevee. Irene, he does NOT want to be your mate!

@ But Dara shaved off his new hair for The Apprentice: Your Fired, (that show was really in it's element this year 0.0 ) due to complaints when pictures emerged of the result of the procedure last year. Which goes to show how much England loves a baldie.

# Jason Gardiner and Wayne Rooney also tested Gordon's promise.