Saturday, August 13, 2011

Female Goat + Male Goat = Irene Fisher..?

Your maths equation of the dayy ;)
Irene was outside our house the other day.

Bazza: Irene's outside again
Me: oh, is she trying to put her toes through the letter box again?

It is her toes she's putting through first isn't it...?

Barry: *looks out window* I can't promise you that.

Shooting stars is backkk. its so funny and surreal.
Guess what? (your not going to do any more blog posts??? :D im so happy)
Ignoring that.
No, what it is, is I have loads more pen pals now!! I have had pen pals for years. I joined (I was already joined but lost the log in details) and some other pen friend sites,
and in the afternoon the next day I had about 15 pen pal emails!!! :D it was great. I have been getting more emails through out the day :D

Someone, in this household, has been telling me things. Exaggerating truth, so that, when I was younger, and didn't know better, I would believe these tales. They Include:

There are 24 countries
The Queen Mother is not related to the Queen
That I went to Brighton 2 times and I'm sure I went only once
Mum's favourite singer was Cliff Richard, not Donny.

I don't know which one of those is furthest from the truth!!!
I think, when I was younger, I saw all these Cliff videos and photos and assumed he was mums favourite singer, next to Donnyyyy.

Mum tells me she did not have any videos of Cliff Richard.

This just got spoookyy.

I still do not know who told me these things. It's so strange. I have had weird memories, like Mustard Matthew cutting my unbilical cord in the bathroom when I was about 3. I WAS born at home but surely by the age of 3 my unbilibal cord would be cut????

By the age of 3 I was selcouth.* But without being wonderful. I was slowly evolving into the dodginess I am today :)

I love watching Miranda on BBC :) shes so funny! Mum said she has grown on her too.

There's more growing on Irene... O_o

This just got more spoookierr

*unfamiliar, rare, strange, marvellous, wonderful

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