Saturday, August 13, 2011

Have A Child Named...Donny Stefan Dennis??!!

Well that's what Barry said I should do. Wait a minute, that means I would have to marry someone with the last name Dennis O_o I wasn't planning on doing that..........


Mum at Tesco:

David Cassidy records and calenders on display.
Mum: *a bit too loudly* THIS IS A DISGRACE!
Mum: *casually rearranges stock so Donny Osmond CD's are at the front*
That's better.

Lady next to mum gives her a weird look :P
Mum: Don't tell me your a David Cassidy fan?
Lady: um, no but, you've covered up the product prices and with all the Bay City Rollers records on the floor,
no one can get down this Aisle.

Mum: I did what had to be done.
*man trips up on the records of former teen idols who mum is NOT a fan of.*

Mum: It was still worth it.

That's how epic mum is!

And I leave you with this:

*shouts from top of stairs*

Mum: Chelsey, you know we don't use that kind of language here!!

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