Saturday, August 13, 2011

There's Only One Bazza (And Apparently He Has A Placenta...?)

Oh. I just looked up "placenta" on Google images. That was...interesting. It really does look like a plate O_o
I'm just gonna go...send the images to companies by email :P cos that's how I rolllll.

Type in "planking", "owling" and "worlds best moustache" into Google. And prepared to be entertaineeed :)

This blog post is dedicated to Baaaazzzza. "Donny Osmond looks like a flapjack that's been roasted for too long" Just one of the gems he has said. At first I was so suprised, I had to check in case mum was listening (mum's a big Donny fan) but I think she was out at the time. Oh. Maybe she heard on the CCTV camera! :O

Donald Clark Osmond

If those words are uttered, you are sure to here mum call "IT'S NOT DONALD, IT'S DONNY!!" (today, I almost expected mum to roar...that's how serious it is)
Yeah she prefers him to be called Donny :P

That's why I keep calling him Donald.

Barry says DONALD looks like Stefan Dennis. Mum retorts: I think Stefan has a *few* more wrinkles than Donny!!! look at his forehead!! Donny is very good looking *phh* How could Stefan look like Donny!

Mum was never one to hold back on opinion.

I was wearing my black stiletto boots ;) These boots are made for waaallkinggg...all over youuu!! (Hey, I was singing it to the floor! duh!)
(Marion over the tannoy at Morrisons) Daniel Gibbs you are needed at the Fiesty Cougar counter straight away. I repeat, Daniel Gibbs you are needed at the Fiesty Cougar counter. Thank you.

Daniel: oh great not the cougars again.
is pulled in by vulture like creatures
Dazza: noooo!!! don't let them take me!!! im so young!!!

Marion: They're cougars, that's exactly the point.

Barry Luke Stuart,

may you remain....

A frother, forever.

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