Sunday, August 21, 2011

No That's Not The Way To Amerillo, Stop Using Your Satnav

The neighbours were partyiiiinnggggg all night yesterday O_o

It's Bazza's birthday today. 19!!! Yayyyyy!!!! We had lasagne for dinner and cake :D maple chocolate cake :D
*sings* If you put a piping bag in my handsssss, I'll end up with cream on my fingerrrrrssss. As I found out.

I've got a new single out.

(will find someone to sing it for me on my new Chelsey Channel videos.)
It's called: Gerkin only has eyes for me.

There's a gherkin waiting for meeee, in the fridge. It waits for me. It only has eyeeeeees for me! And it loves me soooo.....A gherkin waiting for meee, it would never look at another onion, like it looks at meee....And I love it sooooo.

Instant #1!

Barry, hope you like the dragon ball necklace I made for you! :D

Mustard Matthew visited today.

Tension was in the air when he said he really dosen't like Miranda BBC show and that it's silly daft and that's when I revealed that it's one of my favourite shows O_o


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