Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hilma Is Printable Now?! And Other Suprises

Well, hello Choosy fans ;) Haven't blogged for a while.
Yes I am Choosy now. Chelsey by day, superhero Choosy by night.
Find me on billboards. Find her before she finds you.
Because she's waiting to send hedgehogs to you through your door.
And every single one of them are named Sonic.

Me: I want to marry a man named Tristan! I love that name.
Barry: But he has a square nose
Me: It's ok...
Barry: You can't trust a man with a square nose. Hilma told me.

I am officially obsessed with La Roux. I paint their song lyrics on my nails, I have t-shirts bearing Elly's face and lyrics. I talk about them day and night :D
I love their songs!!!!! La Roux And Elly Jackson forever!!!!

Me and the family were playing a game where we write loads of words, cut them up, put them in a box, pick them out randomly and make sentences with them. It's so funny. Irene's name keeps coming up in the game, we are beginning to wonder how many of us are thinking about Irene! Mum does her sentence. "I was at the post office, and someone tapped me on the shoulder. Who should it be but.." (picks up a random word from the box) "IRENE!!!" (we are thinking how many Irene's were put in the game??? and yes, who else would be in the post office but Irene.)"Erm yes, she plauges my life and turns up when I don't want her to. So I asked her, what does she want this time?" Mum just summed up Irene's life and the game!
I also noticed Des O' Conner kept popping up in the game too...someone has an obsession with him :P

What happens if your "pardon me" gets refused?

O_o I haven't thought about it before. I guess if someone said "No, I don't accept your pardon me." The person would either slap you, look at you like your weird or just excuse themselves anyway.

Me and Bazza were looking at a website with lists of what MP's and PM's voted for.
Me: Irene Fisher voted strongly for public naturism.

I got my first bad review for this blog the other week!!! :D Why am I so happy about it, you don't ask? Because not everyone is gonna like, or understand this blog. It has a lot of things to do with what goes on in my family so people might think "what is she talking about???" so the best thing I can do is to update my Chelsey's Dictionary, to help people understand the blog more :P

Barry: Irene's blossoming in the garden. She'll be a while!
A hedgehog was nipping at her buds.

Me: Wha...?

Barry: The flowers

Me: Oh.

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