Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Irene's National Monuments And What Happens When Someone Tries To Run A Hospital In Essex

We've got some snide comments by Barry today! ;) Plus The Final Frontier including Cliff Richard vs. Donny Osmond. Tense.

Barry: I don't like Steps, they keep taking steps back.

Cliff Richard. Closing down sale.

If I Was A Boy, by Robin Gibb.

Cliff Richard. Supporting artist: Donny Osmond.

Daniel: Instead of Cliff Richard And The Shadow, Cliff Richard in the shadow.

Barry: Cliff Richard and Donny Osmond. Back to Back. Donny: I wish I could sing. Cliff: Well at least I sung for one year of my life.

Cliff Richard: Come and get me Donny Osmond!

Cliff: I know your jealous Donny Osmond!

Cliff: Looking this good takes Donny Osmond ages.

Cliff: I may be older than Donny, but I've sold more records.

Cliff: I caught you looking at me, Donny

Marie Osmond: I know your jealous, Cliff.

Cliff: Getting a little senile, Donny?

Donny: You can talk, Cliff

Marie: Marie's Greatest Hits. Cliff, where are your greatest hits? Actually, where are your hits altogether?

The Bee Gees. Plus Cliff Richard. Touring the UK!

Cliff, the lost Bee Gee.

Barry Gibb: Stop strumming my guitar, Taylor Swift.

Cliff Richard's increasing Bust size.

Cliff Richard's new autobiography: How I've Delt With My Increasing Bust Size Over The Years

Cliff Richards inapropriatly placed lingerie department. Makes me faint.

Irene likes to think her breasts are like national monuments.

I drew a picture of her carrying the Olympic torch. (have a look) Between her breasts, of course.
Well Irene never does anything in a normal way, does she?
You might not be able to read the caption I wrote on the pic. It says "Who will run with the Olympic Torch? Turn on the TV to see...Irene! Showing off the huge Olympic sights. And I'm not talking about the stadium."
Mum went to Queen Elizabeth's Hospital today. Yeahh, that was a walk in the park! I say, a bit too sarcastically. It was...disgraceful. You see, mum has arthritis and because her hospital appointment was cancelled by a year, she didn't have any medication for a year!
After a lot of hassle and waiting, mum was told she was going to see a doctor she didn't want to. So she asked to speak to another doctor. He was hardly listening to what she was saying! So she decided to test him. See if he was really listening to her. She said "so I have been taking boxes and boxes of painkillers, I keep taking the pills one after another" Of course that isn't true, but that kind of statement should have rung alarm bells with doctors. Should have made him say "Don't do that, you are taking way to many pills" But what did he do? He ignored it.


There were some students in the room with mum and the doctor, who said they had to be there. So I'm sure they were putting on a good front for the students, making them think that this is a fantatically run hospital with kind doctors and a wonderful service.

That's like saying the Bee Gees have smooth, hairless skin.

Because as soon as those students leave, the hospital can go back to it's poor service.
I would have walked up to those students and said, "You think this is a good hospital to work in? It's disgraceful. Either completly change it for the better or get out of here as soon as you can"

I'll leave you to think about that rather-more-serious article ;)
Take note, Dave!

And I leave you with this:

They all think I'm too white and Nerdy.

Youtube it. Weird Al + Donny Osmond after a few too many Lucazades = Legendary.

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