Friday, October 28, 2011

Dear Sceptics Who Laughed At The Apple III, One Bad Apple Don't Spoil The Whole Bunch. Sincerley, the iMac.

Yeah I know I hadn't even heard of he Apple III either until today :P.......Look it up ;)
I really like Apple products though, they are epic! *Daniel adds 100 points to my account*

And as long as my heart will beat.

Sweet lovers will always meet.

Here in my deep, purple dreeeams.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then we shall not begin.

Bennnny Boy:  In the news today it was revealed that females now have the equal chance to become Queen
Me: So you mean before then, only men could become the Queen?
Ben: No I mean that now it is equal chance to become Queen than they have to become King. They are no longer their main priority. But sometimes Queens and Kings can be a scandel because you can argue that you don't need Kings and Queens. Because Microsoft already run the world.

Me: But if there was no royalty, you know millions of Men would miss Pippa's......rear.

Ben: But it might become famous some other way. It was likely it would become famous anyway.

Me: So you're a fan then?

Ben chose not to comment on that for legal reasons. Before I get an injunction.

It's Friday, Friday gotta get down on Friday. Everybody's looking forward to the weekend.
Apart from my back.

My back is always looking back, can't get over the past, that thing.

My face? That looks forward at everything.

I have been listening to the songs on Joseph And The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. Only the Donny movie version of course ;) The Benjamin Calypso songggg. No ifs, not buts, Bejamin is honest like the coconuts :)

Dear Blackberry, In the aftermath of your meltdown, Who's Laughing Now? Sincerely, the iPhone 4S.

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