Thursday, October 27, 2011

Choosy: The Real Dark Knight Returns And Other Sequels You Really Didn't Want To See

Ben: Jack Dee with your face like a non-stick frying pan.

What would someone with a face like a non-stick frying pan look like...?

Oh yeah. Look at those gorgous egg eyes. That lovely bacon rasher smile. Those abs! Nah, sorry girls, I haven't got his number.

Well, that was an interesting start to the blog.
Let's play a game! It's called: What's the difference between...?

A spare winter coat and Cliff Richard?
One comes out of the closet, the other stays in.

A telescope and The X Factor?
They are both a way of searching for stars but one only found Jedward.

Handwash And Emmerdale?
One's a soap.

I might carry on this game in future blog posts, it's fun. Just to clarify, they are not to be taken seriously and they are not to cause offence :P (although people get offended by my presence) And anyway, I like Jedward, they're fun. They have big plans.

To take over the worrrrrrlllld.
Ben: What are you reading?
Me: Larry Lamb's autobiography. Lawrence Lamb.
Ben: Oh yeah, like Lawrence Leweyn Bowen. He should do a book.
Me: Yeah, he can call it Frills And Spills: My Life As A Decorative Tablecloth.

Err yeah I'm not quite sure how I meant it either. 

Bold!!! We have bold text!!! I didn't ask for bold text. Sort the problem, please. 

My Ruthless Comments! (again, not to cause offence! I like Windows Vista. I found something similar under my nails the other day)

Me: Windows Vista. It's quite funny when you think about it.
Barry: Why is it funny?
Me: Well, Windows Vista is laughable :P
Ben: Chelsey!!!
Me: What? :P I mean, all due respect to the people who made Vista, I mean they were sleeping at the time :)...

Ben: hehe. That's quite good actually.                                                                                                     

Dolly Parton's new romantic single titled: I Wanna Know You're Blood Type                                      

Apparently we are not quite sure of my blood type...yeah :L                                                                  
(I'm pointing a pencil )
Ben: What are you pointing at?
Me: I don't know, anything *shrugs*
Barry: Hehe "you don't know anything"?
Me: I already knew that.                                                                                                                           

Fact of the dayyy:

At Worm Charming Festivals, (I was watching QI the other day :P) people use many different things to charm worms (cutlery, straws, etc) including their breasts.

Works like a charm.

Daniel: (is reading out how many viewers TV shows got) The X Factor got 12 million viewers. The X Men Origins: Wolverine got much less viewers. 
Ben: Really? Chelsey, which one would you rather watch, X Factor in it's new dodgy state, or X Men Origins?
Me: (thinking about when I watched X Men and it was gory) I dunno, they were both quite painful to watch.

Ohhhh people are tutting and saying "what is she talking about?? The X Factor is great, that's just rude"

People find my face rude and innapropriate.

Little Girl On TV Advert is mixing rice krispies in a bowl.
The Mum: What are you making? :)
Girl: Your face. 
The Mum: My face?? You're making my face??
Girl: Yeah! (presents wonderful cereal face) You have a big red nose and you've just walked into a lampost! :)
The Mum:

Best advert on TV.

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