Thursday, October 27, 2011

Oh, I Could Let You Stay But I'm Walking On Broken Ground Again, Oh, Oh When Will I Learn, All You Do Is Go Back To Your Cupboard

La Roux lyrics there with a reference to Cliff Richards hibernating ;)

A La Roux special blog post is in order!

Ok first I will tell you what I think the songs mean and what I like about them :D
I think Elly from La Roux said the CD is about one man.

Correct me if I'm wrong ;) :P

Armour Love
An interesting song about when someone is hurting and your trying to help you but they are not accepting your help, they are putting up defences, they are changing but they should know what it's like for her and understand. A slow song with a continuing beat and heartfelt.
Favourite Lines: So take it easy, I'll make it so easy, you can lay your head down and we'll leave it 'till tomorrow/well you seem to believe you belong to somebody else/slipping through my fingers, and into anothers, tell me why won't you turn back?

As If By Magic
A thought provoking song with imaginative lyrics, I think it's about longing for a relationship to work but you know it's not but that dosen't stop you wanting and being optimistic, sort of refusing to believe things are what they are. A soothing sounding song with a light beat and deep meaning.
Favourite Lines: And although, you're the only home I know, as if by magic, thoughts of you are gone/And now, I'm keeping my head in the clouds and it's not so tragic, if I don't look down/And in a parrallel universe, it's me you can't resist


The ultimate electro pop sound, fast beat, about bouncing back from a relationship that didn't work, where the person kept putting them down. Like saying "this time, I have changed. I won't let you hurt me again. I'll be bulletproof!" A classic of La Roux's.
Favourite Lines: I won't let you turn around and tell me now, I'm much too proud, all you do is fill me up with doubt!

Colourless Color
I think this is not only a song about a relationship and not knowing someone when they know you a lot, but also a song about La Roux's style of music. I think this, when I listen to the chorus, which goes "Early 90's decor, it was a day for, we wanted to play but we had nothing left to play for, colorless color, once in fashion and soon to be seen" Although their music is more 80's, than 90's. So I think it is about discovering their type of music and making it heard. Also about wishing for more, wondering what's on the horizon (you say it's coming, but I can't see it at all/Been dreaming of blue skies, new horizon and sights for my eyes) Steady beat with that classic Electro La Roux sound.
Favourite Lines: You know me well but I don't know you at all/ I want to get away, to feel the sun on my skin, to fell it really, sinking in/Been dreaming of blue skies, new horizon and sights for my eyes

Cover My Eyes
A song about the pain and heartbreak of seeing the person you love with someone else. They have rejected you before, you want change. But you still have to see them walking down the road, it's so bad you have to cover your eyes when you see them. A slow, beautiful, meaningful song.
Favourite Lines: I can play you a new, song tonight, we don't have to sit here in silence. We can break the pattern, we can change the colour. It's just a matter of sacrifice/When I see you walking with her I have to cover my eyes/Every time you leave with her, something inside me dies

This upbeat song is about developing fascinations with people, admiring them, wanting to be with them but your in the same routine with them, not getting any further, your running out of patience.This track shows Elly carrying on the notes longer.
Favourite Lines: We crave, new sensations. Old fascinations it's feeding my, frustrations and I, I haven't got the patience.

Growing Pains
A great mix of beats and again, those magical La Roux lyrics. The meaning? The person is going through all these emotions, heartbreak, pain, longing for change. And what do people say? It's just growing pains, when it's more than that. An intreaging track to do with growing up. It makes you think and people can relate to it. I think it's also about a relationship and you can make your own interpretation of it.
Favourite Lines: The truth, it feels like concrete, I drove through this wall yesterday/Oh, I've made mistakes and you just say, it's growing pains, when I feel ashamed you tell me it's just growing pains/when I'm crying out for change, you tell me it's, just growing pains/ I wish I could be realistic but like children, my dreams went away

I'm Not Your Toy
A song to dance to!!! The fantastic beat, with simple and repetetive (not a bad thing in this case) lyrics but with a meaning behind them. About someone who is just using you, they don't really like you. One of my favourite songs from La Roux.
Favourite Lines: Love, love is like a stubborn youth, that you'd rather just deny/It's all false love and affection, you don't want me you just like the attention/Love, love hides in a smoky light and I can never find the truth/I wish I could believe in you

In For The Kill
A lot of people go on about how great the Skrillex remix to this is, but I must admit I prefer the original version myself :P It's about wanting to tell someone something, your worried about how they might react but you go ahead and tell them anyway. You're "going in for the kill" and it will also help you feel better, because you are being honest with them, whatever their reaction.
Favourite Lines: Let's go to war to make peace/ I hope in darkness we can see and your not blinded by the light from me/I hang my hopes out on the line/Full stops and exclamation marks, my words stumble before I start

One of my favourite La Roux songs although I love them all :P It's about an interesting relationship, from two points of view: the Obsessor, has more control over the other person and the upsettor, the one trying to break free but keeps going back to the obsessor, that's when he/she is in the quicksand. A tropical, inspired music video to go with the pleasant background sounds and fantastic vocals from Elly.
Favourite Lines: I'm the obsessor, holding your hand. It seems you have forgotten, about your man/Am I your possession? Am I in demand?/You moved into my mind again/Oh I could let you stay but I'm walking on broken ground again

Reflections Are Protection
My interpretation of the track is not completely decided yet. It could be about a few things:  Finding who you are and where you are in a relationship and using your reflections to protect yourself from the truth (but reflections in what way, how you see yourself? [a metaphorical or literal mirror] or looking back on past memories? [reflecting on things]) and it also seems to suggest wanting to find the truth, or cover up the truth, hide in the shadows, or reveal yourself. Some lyrics, seem philosophical and I hope to look into the lyrics, deeper, interpreting them. When you listen to the song, the descriptions of "leaves", "dark shapes" and "shadows" might give you a colourful picture of the song in your mind but when you try to find the meaning of it all, that's when it gets really interesting.
Favourite Lines: Make me a shelter, to hide, 'cos love makes you lose your sight/All the shadows that I walk in, are just my volatile second skin/althrough I really tried, only time is a lovers guide

Love the beat of the chorus on this song but I am still trying to interpret the meaning of the lyrics. I can understand that it is again, about a relationship, I think it could be about a similar situation to that in Fascination and As If By Magic. Take these lyrics for example: (Fascination) "It's been seven hours long and your shadow still hangs on/You've been two weeks gone" (from saviour) "You say you're tired and you must be leaving soon, when will we ever see this through? And I continue to drown my sorrows after you are gone" Then have a look at my review for As If By Magic, above. Can you see how I think the three songs link together? I would suggest that Fascination and Saviour are set around the same time where there is frustration because the relationship is not going further but the difference is that in As If By Magic and Saviour, she realises that, she knows that and that is her "saviour". This is just a guess and of course I don't know Elly personally :P But I do my best to interpret. It's another song that people wanting more out of a relationship can relate to, I think.
Favourite Lines: Finally my saviour is here/You know me more than most

Now this, is a La Roux song with a dark edge to it! I think it's about having a crush. Someone suggested that on a website and I think that could be right. They also suggested there could be a stalker edge in the song, for example, the lyrics: "tonight out on the streets I'm gonna follow you/and we can wait 'till the shadow grows long" and where a man speaks "lurking in the dark, a friend who wants so much more/have you ever felt like you're being followed?" La ROux did a music video for Tigerlily which I would love to see but unfortunatly they have not realised it yet, I think because they started work on their second album. Hopefully they might release it for people to see after their second album. Anyway, there is something different about this track than the other, sometimes lighter songs but it's still great.
Favourite Lines:But our communication is telepathy/What you give it what you get/And in the crush of the dark, I'll be your light in the mist

I hope you enjoyed my La Roux CD song review! Please let me know what you think about the article and the songs :)

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