Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cliff Richard: You're too sweet and innocent for me, Donny.

Mum in supermarket: (puts the Daily Mail on counter)
Woman at  : You can't have that.
Mum: Wha..?
Woman: (getting annoyed) I said, you can't have that!!
Mum: But I wanna have that one, I need it. 
Woman: But I said you can't have it!
Mum: Well what's wrong with it..?
(Mum and woman have a staring match as mum can't understand why  the woman is forbidding her to buy the newspaper and the woman can't understand why mum is questioning her...)
Woman: Well It's mixed in with other papers!!!!! -_-
Mum thinking: what is she going on about..?
Woman: I'll give you another Daily Mail.
Mum thinking: ok then...moving on

Yes...strange behaviour at the suprmarket O_o

Young love, first love, filled with true devotion 

Young love, our love, we share with deep emotion.

Yeahh Donny Osmond, when he was just a puppy :')

I like Linnox Ubuntu, it's probably my favourite operating system. (Sorry Dan, Snow Leopard has a good name though...)
I also like Windows 7...and Windows Vista...........................
.............................................................tried. O_o  *

*Joke, I love Vista. Like I love Cliff Richard's music.

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