Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Barry: Foster & Allen Are Like Tipsy Bee Gees


It's my mums birthday today :) 

Here Are Her Gifts:
Some lovely bath things, bottles, etc, and a bath scrub (is that what they are called?? what is the correct term??*)
A "Pick It Up. Write It Down" diary
A cute diary and turquiose Happy Birthday soft teddy bear from my brother Barry
(me and mum named the bear Precious Topaz because of it's colour)
A pretty flowery knitting and sewing case from my brother James
A black and white flower diary (mum loves diaries!) from me and a necklace I made myself 
Some lovely truffle chocolate truffles from dad.
Some more chocolates and a knitting magazine with colourful wool (yarn) and needles with it!

So yeah lovely gifts :)
We spent the afternoon discussing my birth and listening to Foster & Allen. An eye-opening insight into new life and shared joy. Oh and the birth story was good too.

I haven't told you before but.......................someone keeps putting food on my plate that I wasn't going to eat!!! I was sure it was Barry but he denies it vigorously. So the mystery goes on....

Barry was saying that dad once met Foster & Allen in a pub and asked them for directions not knowing who they were!!! I asked mum and turned out it was Brian Murphey, from George & Mildred, not Foster & Allen ;)

Today we were discussing our favourite names for people and I wrote them down in my Name Book (I am well prepared for when I hopefully get the chance to name a mini me {Reader: Phh! We wouldn't want another chelsey!!!} )
Barry: Someone should name their children Gotta, Catch, Em and All. So when dinner is ready, the mum can call out "Gotta catch em all!!"


Hehe. That's quite good actually. 

The Choosy Files. Who Keeps Putting Food On My Plate When I'm Not Looking?
The Truth. Is Out There. 

* Nick Clegg. 

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