Thursday, December 15, 2011

Me: The Bee Gees Are The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread. Mum: No! Donny Osmond Is The Best Thing Since..Since The Invention Of Chocolate


Just had to say that...Seeing as I haven't posted on here since my obsession with Glee began.

Blaine: (one on the right) I know how much you love music, so, I gave you Cliff Richard's amount of talent, in a box :)
Kurt: Awww, you shouldn't have.

I had a dream where me, Barry and Ben were all imitating Rory Flanagan from Glee's Irish accent.
Then we were watching Rev (BBC show about a vicar didn't you know?) and some woman was showing Kurt around some Woods and Blaine was somewhere too.

"Yay! Two girls, who to pick??" I hate to break this to you, but Santana and Brittany kind of love eachother. Sorry.

Blue Christmas

Ok...I knew Rory had a fantastical speaking voice and fantastical singing voice but I didn't realise it was that good...
I don't know who sung this song originally but I know tha Marie Osmond has covered it!
I was watching the new Glee episode, Extraordinary Merry Christmas, when all of a sudden Rory started singing. If they don't let Rory go on to Season 4, Ben knows that I would protest. With Sugar Motta's..ahem..interesting singing style, we need more talent.

My family must be wondering what in the world I am talking about when I say I hope to "Ship" two characters such as Klaine..
Dear readers, just in case you didn't know, it means I would like to partake in posting pictures of Klaine or putting seperate pictures of Kurt and Blaine together and posting the pics on the likes of Tumblr.
You can also ship characters who have a friendship, for example, Sam and Rory makes Ram! Well, people are calling them Sory but I think Ram sounds cooler.
Other Ships:
Finn + Rachel = Finchel
Brittany + Santana = Brittana
Sam + Mercedes = Samcedes

That's it Blaine, sing Tom Jones' It's Not Unusual surrounded by cheerleaders (for the male viewers) and a purple piano,  we'll just forget all about the original version...

Sanana's Best Insults:
"I am a rude person* but I’m willing to change. I won’t tell Lauren to look out for poachers who might mistake her for the endangered white rhino.”

“I hear that Rachel’s got a bit of a schnozz. (nose) I wouldn’t know because, like Medusa, I try to avoid eye contact with her.”

“I’m definitely sure that Tina’s (who is Asian) looked into getting an eye deslanting.”

“Maybe Rachel’s fine with having an enormous beak. (nose..) Maybe she needs it to crack hard seeds.”

I think Santana rivals Sue Sylvester in the insults category.

Rumour Has It/Someone Like You

:D :D
And..just when I thought a Santana/Mercedes mash up couldn't get any better, along came:

Survivor/I Will Survive

The standards are now very high, Santana.

"At first I was afraid, then I was petrified"
I know right? I think everyone gets that feeling when they see Cliff Richard emerging from the water, half naked.
Contrary to that, according to Amazon, Cliff's 2011 calender is one of their biggest selling calender O_o

Woman on Bingo advert to man: What's your favourite joke?
Ben: ITV

oh dear...

And I leave you with this:
(I was making a Klaine poster)
Me: Hmm, what symbol could represent Klaine?
Barry: Um, maybe some grass, or earth or the ground?
Me: ....(slightly confused...)
And why do you think that would represent Klaine, Barry?
Barry: Because clay comes from the ground...
Me: Nooo I said Klaine, not CLAY. K-L-A-I-N-E.
Barry: Ohhh I see. Who is Klaine?

*I changed the wording, in case you didn't notice.

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