Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just Clearing Something Up

Laura, thank you for reading that post, not many people read my blog. But I just want to say, whoever is reading this, that there isn't just one side to me, the side that talks about nostrils, bloated cheeks, Deirdre and Ingrid. Because that isn't true. I am not Miss BloatCheeks, I am Chelsey-Ann, a 12 year old home schooled girl who likes to do knitting, fashion and talking to pen pals. Sometimes I don't like the reputation this blog gives me, one of a goofy girl who often thinks about nostrils and writes silly songs. When that is really not the case. I think about lots of things and often try to choose between doing lots while I am young like wanting to have various businesses and wanting to still be a child, as I should be. So from this point on, this blog will show all of me, not just a very small part of me. You may even find you will prefer the blog like this. So come back to a more thoughtful blog with plenty of pictures and views. And a couple of nostrils.

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