Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's Time For A Blog Post...Yeah!

Well today I am trying to do all the things on my list of things to do. And no, it does not read "Write an un-interesting blog post, make some so-not-funny-anymore jokes, pet Pete & Sponge, wonder if one day someone will comment on my blog" That is not what it says. Hey, why are my blog posts un-interesting? I didn't think they were. And why are my jokes not funny? Naughty concience. Anyway the only one of those that I do do is the last one. I hope maybe someday someone will comment on my blog post. Maybe. I'll keep trying. Knorr stock? I don't know either. And be a raaaiiinbooow and be a raaaaiiinnbooow. Ok I don't know what to say. I'll just say what I'm thinking. Ok so I was replying to my wonderful pen pal in Australia. Last night Eric was certainly noticable. I had hiccups, that's why. I played more Pokemon with Mr Barry and Benjamin yesterday. I have been for a couple of weeks now. It's been really fun. I have won a couple of cards including Machop. MACHOP! Yep. Well it's all go now. Just talking to my friend on MSN. Still working on my fashion book for my pen pal.'ve gone away now haven't you? Ok then. I'll just..carry on. Follow me on Twitter if you want to. @ChelseyRainbow I'm eating a yummy cookie now. A giant cookie. Oh so now your interested! Well it has big chocolate chips and soft cookiness. mmmm. uh uh uh Pete & Sponge! How innapropriate! How did a cow get in their loft? Strange. No I don't know if it comes out of a cows nose. Ok I'm just milking this blog  now. Literally. Ok well that's it for now I have ticked off the first thing on the list then. Now I have some fun to do if you don't mind. 

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