Monday, February 7, 2011

Laughable Features?

Well that was fun. Last night me, Mr Barry and Ben done some late drawing yesterday and some masterpeices were whipped up that's for sure. Lets start with Barry's drawings shall we. Now I requested some animals were sketched as we were making a collage picture for my pen pal. But Barry started doodling and soon Jodie and Maxine had arrived. I saw that Barry was starting to draw a girl and he needed me to draw something on her t-shirt and I thought "aaahhh that's a nice drawing". But then when I went to look at the drawing again, who is named Jodie, I saw something else had appeared next to her. And as soon as I saw it a smile spread across my face and I started laughing, a laugh that lasted several seconds. As next to Jodie is Maxine, a bald, naked girl who only has eyes and a cleavage. I don't know what it is about her but I couldn't look at her without bursting out laughing. It's not that I find people with bald heads laughable, of course not, it must be something else. But I am very fond of Maxine and Jodie an if I have Bazza's permission I can put up a picture of Jodie and Maxine and help me work out what is so funny about her. Aaahh, Maxine. She sparked a lot of  sketches of women who have tops on but their cleavage seem to be on the outside. I drew them. There was Patsy, Tilly, Jenny and Lacey. Lacey for some reason has the body of an animal. And of course there was Maxine 2 and 3, drawn by Barry. Maxine 2 had arms that stretched to her feet and Maxine 3 has long arms too. What is it with the word cleavage that appeared many times yesterday? Was it the Word Of The Day? Ok let's go on to something else. No, I'll just post tommorow. Because I have things to do thanks. Like the friend I have been looking for for the past year I have found. So I will send a letter to him. If Maxine dosen't get there first....

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