Thursday, January 5, 2012

To Be Sent To Hogwarts-Ahem, I Mean Dalton Acadamy, To Whichever Room He Resides In

Dear Sebastian "Meerkat Face" Smythe,

I heard that you  have a little crush on Blaine "I-wear-bow-ties-better-than-the-Doctor-but-I-avoid-wearing-socks-with-my-espadrilles" Anderson,

even though you know full well he is with the fabulous Kurt.

 And the thing is, you don't even try to hide it. I mean, it was written all over your face during the Warblers performance of Uptown Girl. You may have been singing ABOUT a woman TO a woman, (your teacher, infact)

but you're as straight as...John Barrowman. Oh wait, people question that. Lets use another example. The dance-loving Louis Spence? (And no, I'm not speculating, he has a partner, I read it in Sky magazine. The ever reliable Sky, who enjoy cancelling my subscription to Sky Kids magazine and taking away some of our channels without warning. Oh Sky, how wonderful you are.)

Now, the point in this letter is for me to make the least convincing threat since former-Jordan announced she will find a star on her show Signed By Katie Price. Seb, if you want to split up Klaine, you'll have to get through me first!!!

Told you. About as intimidating as

I imagine you wern't so smirky when Blaine transferred to McKinly High, seeing as it means Kurty Boy gets to see him even more now. I mean, you must have been a bit miffed when the star-Warbler packed up his sunglasses, curl-tamer hair products and "How To Become Dapper In 20 Days" step-by-step guide books and joined the New Directions, right?

  Well, I'll have you know that your dear Blainey transferred because "I can't stand to be away from the one I love" Said Mr. Anderson. And he wasn't talking about his prized collection of bow-ties.
You see, his relationship with the countertenor is much more important to him than the connection you THINK you have with him. Since Kurt's boyfriend (I can sense your eye twitching even as I write this. It's ok, I understand, my eyelids get uncomfortable whenever I see a Blainchel duet or a Blaintana scene) joined William McKinly High School, he's make lots of new friends. Everyone from Artie to Santana (eye twitching) have took to him well. (If you forget about the minor disagreements/jealousy and fighting with Sam and Finn...)

I don't know what you're playing at, calling the New Directions a "joke" and then cheering them on at their competition!
So just be warned, I'm on to you. I know all about your scheming to take Blaine away from Kurt.

I'm watching youuuu.

The downside to this is that I have to hear your annoyingly nice singing voice again -_-

Well, see you later, alligator, as they used to say, before it went out of fashion, never to bee seen again until TOWIE brings it back in some trendy form.

Anyway, I'm rambling.
If I don't see you at Dalton, you'll see me in your nightmarrrreees!

Lots Of Love, (yeah, right!)

P.S. Seriously. Your voice. STOP! Villians arn't supposed to have talent.

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